Title - Director - Production Co. - Role
The Pillowman - Emma Jordan - Prime Cut Productions / The Lyric - Katurian
Vection - Jonathan M Daly - Headrush Ireland - Pan
Aladdin - Stephen Beggs - GBL Productions - Widow Twankey
The Hen Do - Seón Simpson - GBL Productions - DJ Fizzy Fizzle
Something Different - Patrick J O'Reilly - Tinderbox - Martin
Cinderella - Stephen Beggs - GBL Productions - Fairy Gorgeous
The Gap Year - Benjamin Gould - The Lyric / Commedia of Errors - Fionntan
The Untold Truth of Captain Hook - Janice Kernoghan-Reid - Replay - Smee
Curtains - Janice Kernoghan-Reid - Replay - Danger Dan
Beauty & The Beast - Patrick J O'Reilly - GBL Productions - Prince Ponce
The Worst Café In The World - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Kevin
Belfast 1919 - Carlos García Estévez - Manifesto Poetico - Ryan Cashy
The Tempest - Zóe Seaton - Creation - Trinculo
Aladdin - Patrick J O'Reilly - GBL Productions - Genie
Freak Show - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Pascal / Numerous Freaks
Hubert & The Yes Sock - Patrick J O'Reilly - Tinderbox - Sock
Hansel & Gretel - Rhiann Jeffrey - The MAC - Peter Pan
Sinnead 'One Night Only For Two Nights' - Tracy Martin - The MAC - Decky
Madame Geneva - Cara Kelly - MACHA - Sandwich
Looking Deadly - Amy Conroy - Show In A Bag - Rob
Ignition - Patrick J O'Reilly - Tinderbox - Keith
Puckoon - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Seamus
Cinderella - Lisa May - LANA Productions - Buttons
My English Tongue My Irish Heart - Martin Lynch - Green Shoot - Roger Carney
The Gift - Bosco McAneaney - Cahoots N.I. - Billy Paterson
Damage - Patrick J O'Reilly - Outburst - Robert
One Sandwich Short Of A Genius - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Kenny
Hatch - Patrick J O'Reilly - The MAC - Igor
The Scarlet WWWeb - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - JP
Future is _____ - John Currivan - Little Room - Modern Man
Melmoth the Wanderer - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Everhard Guzman
A Christmas Wish - Eamonn Owens - Boil in The Bag - Charlie
The Case Of The Frightened Lady - Lisa May - Bruiser - Edgar Wallace
Cuchulainn - Zóe Seaton - Cahoots N.I. - Master Magician
Aladdin - Carole Todd - The Gaiety - The Vizier
The Little Mermaid - Zóe Seaton - Big Telly - Albert Svensson
Alice - Paul Boyd - PBM - White Rabbit
Film / TV
Title - Director - Production Co. - Role
Blue Lights (Season 3) - Jack Casey - Two Cities TV - Eugene Connolly
Breeders - Suri Grennell - Fantastic Films - Richard
The Dry (Season 2) - Paddy Breathnach - Element Pictures - Liam
Bien Cuit - Simon O' Neill - Gajardo Films - Anthony
Dispensary of Death - Simon O' Neill - Gajardo Films - Kevin
MacCarnysons - Ken Fanning - Tumble Circus - Sean MacCarnyson
A bELFast Christmas - Tony Devlin - Brassneck - Mistlejoe McJingles
Soft Border Patrol 3 - Marc McElroy - The Comedy Unit - Michael The Smuggler
Soft Border Patrol 2 - Keri Collins - The Comedy Unit - Michael The Smuggler
Soft Border Patrol - Noddy Davidson - The Comedy Unit - Michael The Smuggler
Bású - Jerry O'Callaghan - TG4/Black Rock Pictures - Thomas Johnson
Daily Strife - Cecilia McAllister - Póca Productions - Tim Thornton
Dental Breakdown - Ian Power - Rocket Productions - Timmy Taxman
Late at Night - Eoin Heaney - Highly Stimulating Productions - Desmond
Raising Children - Conor O' Mahony - Paradise Pictures - Alan Rath
Marry Me - Mike Casey - Midas Productions - Richard Thompson
Eggs - James Cotter - Akajava Films - Zombie Priest
The Property Game - Mark Nolan - Lotus Films - Rosco Maguire
Training & Workshops
Spatial Dramaturgy, Manifesto Poetico, Belfast
Clown Through Mask with Sue Morrison, Toronto
Clown with Ira Seidenstein, Belfast
Performing Arts at The Liberties College, Bull Alley, 3 years